SitePoint播客#123:ASP.NET与Tim Posey和Pranav Rastogi
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Episode 123 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week our regular interview host Louis Simoneau () is back with a great interview of 2 guests from the world of ASP.NET Tim Posey an active ASP.NET developer, and Pranav Rastogi from the ASP.NET team at Microsoft.

SitePoint Podcast的第123集现已发布! 本周,我们的常规采访主持人Louis Simoneau( )接受了来自ASP.NET世界的两位嘉宾的精彩采访,Tim Posey是活跃的ASP.NET开发人员,Microsoft的ASP.NET团队的Pranav Rastogi 。

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    (MP3, 28:24, 26.1MB)

    SitePoint Podcast#123:带有TIm Posey和Pranav Rastogi的ASP.NET(MP3,28:

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Pranav as a tester on the ASP.NET team with Microsoft tells us what has moved forward in ASP.NET in the last few years, and what the direction of development is expected to be.


Tim helps us understand the benefits of developing in ASP.NET over using similar open source technologies for business solutions.


Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at .


面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

Louis: So, hello and welcome to another episode of the SitePoint Podcast. I’m back from vacation and this week on the podcast we’re going to take a little bit of a different track from what we’ve been doing recently, we’re going to talk about ASP.NET. .NET isn’t something that we talk about a lot on SitePoint.com or on the podcast, but it’s something that we hope to cover a bit more in the future. I know we’ve got an upcoming project at SitePoint covering .NET, so we thought it’d be a good opportunity to have a few .NET guys on the show and talk a little bit about what’s new in that world. So with me today on the show we’ve got Pranav Rastogi who works for Microsoft on the .NET team; hi, Pranav!

路易斯:您好,欢迎收看SitePoint播客的另一集。 我从假期回来,本周在播客上,我们将走的路与最近的路有所不同,我们将谈论ASP.NET。 .NET不是我们在SitePoint.com或播客上谈论的很多东西,但是我们希望将来能涉及到更多。 我知道我们即将在SitePoint上进行一个涵盖.NET的项目,因此我们认为这是个很好的机会,可以让几个.NET专家参加这个展览,并讨论一下该世界中的最新消息。 因此,今天与我一起在演出中,我们有Pranav Rastogi,他在.NET团队中为Microsoft工作。 嗨,Pranav!

Pranav: Hey, Louis, how’s it going over there?


Louis: It’s going very well, how are you?


Pranav: I’m pretty good, thank you.


Louis: And we’ve also got another .NET developer, Tim Posey.


Tim: Hello, Louis.


Louis: Hi, how’s it going?


Tim: It’s going great, how about you, Pranav, you alright?


Pranav: I’m doing well, Tim, thank you. How’s it going with you?

普拉纳夫:我很好,蒂姆,谢谢。 你怎么样?

Tim: Just hot down here in Alabama.


Pranav: Well, it’s always cold in sunny Seattle of the Pacific Northwest (laughter).


Louis: Yeah, I just left Montreal on Saturday I think of last week, Tim, and it was just as the temperature had skyrocketed. I was in North America for a month and we had gorgeous, gorgeous weather throughout July, and just as I was leaving, the last day, it shot up to 37, 38 degrees, and massive humidity, massive thunderstorms, and apparently it still hasn’t let up.

路易斯:是的,我想起了上周,蒂姆,我星期六才离开蒙特利尔,就在气温飞涨的时候。 我在北美呆了一个月,整个七月的天气都非常好,最后一天,就在我要离开的时候,温度高达37度,38度,潮湿,雷暴,显然仍然放手

Tim: Okay, I have to do the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion.


Louis: Oh, yeah, right, sorry. (Laughter)

路易斯:哦,是的,对不起。 (笑声)

Pranav: Close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.


Louis: So, Pranav, do you want to tell us a little bit about what you do?


Pranav: Sure, yeah. So I’ve been working on the ASP.NET team and I work on the team as a tester, and my primary job on the ASP.NET team to verify that the products that we’re building sort of match the expectations that are customers have, somewhat sort of halfway useable, and something that people can use. And I build productive websites that they can solve their solutions with, so that’s what I’ve been doing at Microsoft.

普拉纳夫:当然可以。 因此,我一直在ASP.NET团队中工作,并且在测试团队中工作,而我在ASP.NET团队中的主要工作是验证我们所构建的产品是否符合客户的期望。有一些中途可用的东西,人们可以使用的东西。 而且,我建立了富有成效的网站,他们可以使用这些网站来解决其解决方案,这就是我在Microsoft所做的事情。

Louis: Alright, how about you, Tim?


Tim: Right now I’m working for a financial services firm in Alabama. I work pretty much exclusively on web development with .NET, well, obviously ASP.NET, mostly a lot with content management systems, we have done a lot of cool things with various content management systems, and my background before then was a little bit in the consulting world where it was a lot of web development in ASP.NET, a lot of desktop development also in .NET, and just trying to just share of some my history, my experiences in this book with the readers.

蒂姆:现在我正在阿拉巴马州的一家金融服务公司工作。 我几乎专门从事.NET的Web开发工作,很显然,ASP.NET大部分是与内容管理系统一起工作的,我们对各种内容管理系统做了很多很酷的事情,而在那之前我的背景是在咨询领域,ASP.NET中有大量的Web开发,.NET中也有大量的桌面开发,并且只是试图与读者分享我的一些历史,我在本书中的经验。

Louis: You talk about a book, so just to get it out there, SitePoint has got another new edition of an ASP.NET book coming out in the near future, and we’ll talk about that a bit later. But before we dive into that, because a lot of the SitePoint listenership, or maybe more either front end developers are working with PHP or Ruby or some of these open source technologies, I wanted maybe to give just a bit of an update in what’s new in .NET. For anyone who hasn’t paid attention to it in a couple years what’s the pulse of the .NET community at the moment?

路易斯:您谈论的是一本书,因此,为了使它出版,SitePoint在不久的将来又发布了另一本ASP.NET图书的新版本,我们稍后再讨论。 但是在我们深入探讨之前,由于很多SitePoint侦听器,或者也许更多的前端开发人员正在使用PHP或Ruby或其中一些开源技术,所以我想对新功能进行一些更新在.NET中。 对于几年没有关注它的人来说,.NET社区目前的脉动是什么?

Pranav: Pretty strong, it’s pretty happy (laughter). One of the biggest changes that happened in the .NET framework is like it’s probably been a year but we shipped the .NET Framework 4, which is a new version of the CLR which is a new version of the framework, and that has been sort of the major upgrade that has happened last since version 2.0 was released about like five or six years back. So I’ve been pretty excited to see all these features coming out as part of the framework, in particular I can only speak for ASP.NET, like there’s a lot of stuff that came out with the Gold Framework for ASP.NET, and there was MVC that was shipped, which is a Model View Controller pattern that people can view websites on. We shipped something called Razor which is the — the Gold name was called Razor but the public face name was Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages, and it sort of simplifies the whole stack on the programming side of things and how would you build websites, how would you easily integrate like HTML and .NET languages into it, so that’s all stuff happening as far as I can see. What about you, Tim?

普拉纳夫:很坚强,很高兴(笑)。 .NET框架中发生的最大变化之一可能是一年了,但我们交付了.NET Framework 4,它是CLR的新版本,是CLR的新版本,并且已经差不多自版本2.0发布以来,最近一次重大升级中的大约五,六年前。 因此,我很高兴看到所有这些功能都作为框架的一部分出现,特别是我只能代表ASP.NET,例如,ASP.NET的黄金框架带来了很多东西,并且MVC已交付,这是人们可以在其上查看网站的Model View Controller模式。 我们发布了一个名为Razor的产品,即金色名称Razor,但公开名称是Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages,它在某种程度上简化了编程方面的整个堆栈,以及如何构建网站,您是否可以轻松地将HTML和.NET语言集成到其中,据我所知,这一切都在发生。 蒂姆,你呢?

Tim: I sort of agree with just about everything you said. Let’s say the average listener is a PHP developer, .NET can do many more things for you and you still have that rapid application development. What I really like with .NET, and especially now with .NET 4.0 and the latest release, you have things like the MVC Framework, as you said, that you sort of just don’t have those kinds of built-in things with PHP, I know they can be done but the tools, the way it integrates with Visual Studio 2010, also where we use SQL Server 2008 express edition in the book, those two things combined just provide an ultimate development environment for a web developer.

蒂姆:我几乎同意您所说的一切。 假设普通的侦听器是PHP开发人员,.NET可以为您做更多的事情,而您仍然可以进行快速的应用程序开发。 我真正喜欢.NET的东西,尤其是现在使用.NET 4.0和最新版本的时候,就像您所说的那样,您拥有MVC框架之类的东西,而PHP却没有这些内置的东西。 ,我知道可以做到,但是工具,它与Visual Studio 2010集成的方式,以及本书中我们使用SQL Server 2008 Express Edition的地方,这两件事的结合仅为Web开发人员提供了最终的开发环境。

Pranav: Right. One of the things I like about the .NET is like even though PHP is like great, it has a great community, but you still have to kind of go through the community documentation to get a lot of things up and running, but as you were mentioning, the Visual Studio integration of the framework and the languages, it gives a very richer way where you can manage your projects and use rich features like IntelliSense debugging to sort of get around and get your applications up and running quickly. I think that’s been really a good tool to have.

普拉纳夫:对。 我喜欢.NET的一件事就是,尽管PHP很棒,但它拥有一个很棒的社区,但是您仍然需要仔细阅读社区文档以使很多东西正常运行。前面提到,Visual Studio框架和语言的集成,它提供了一种非常丰富的方式,您可以在其中管理项目并使用诸如IntelliSense调试之类的丰富功能来解决问题并快速启动和运行应用程序。 我认为这确实是一个很好的工具。

Tim: Yeah, I actually started my web development days back on PHP, PHP and MySQL, you know, the LAMP stack pretty much. And it was a lot of editing stuff in Notepad, and I know you can move up to like PHPEdit or the Zen editor, but the Visual Studio 2010 experience to me is a night and day difference, especially when you have debugging, you also can do remote debugging on the web server, those things just make it a really good experience. Plus, I think as you look into what other corporations are doing from like an employment standpoint; I think there’s definitely more jobs available for a .NET web developer versus PHP or Ruby or some of the other community languages. Wouldn’t you agree with that, Pranav?

蒂姆:是的,我实际上是从PHP,PHP和MySQL开始我的Web开发的,您知道,LAMP堆栈差不多。 在记事本中有很多编辑工作,而且我知道您可以升级到类似PHPEdit或Zen编辑器,但是Visual Studio 2010对我而言是昼夜不同的,尤其是在进行调试时,您也可以在Web服务器上进行远程调试,这些事情使它真的是一个很好的体验。 另外,我认为当您从就业的角度研究其他公司的情况时, 我认为.NET Web开发人员肯定比PHP或Ruby或其他一些社区语言提供更多的工作。 普拉纳夫,你不同意吗?

Pranav: Yeah, I would totally. I would also add to it like it does pay more than the PHP developer! (laughter).

普拉纳夫:是的,我完全会。 我还要补充一点,因为它确实比PHP开发人员付出更多! (笑声)。

Louis: Alright, so that’s a reasonable point that there’s a lot of, in terms of enterprise, ASP.NET is a much maybe stronger player at the moment than PHP and Ruby. You don’t see it as much in sort of the startups or the smaller web based companies, for example, here at SitePoint or sister companies, Flippa, 99 Designs and Learnable are all developing in either PHP or Python or Ruby. Is that something in the .NET world — is it something, Pranav, you see that Microsoft wants to change, are they trying to move into more of that startup move, or are they happy to sit with the enterprise market and we’ll let the startups play with these other languages?

Louis:好的,这是一个合理的观点,就企业而言,ASP.NET目前比PHP和Ruby强大得多。 在初创公司或较小的基于Web的公司中,您所看到的并不多,例如,在SitePoint或姊妹公司中,Flippa,99 Designs和Learnable都是用PHP或Python或Ruby开发的。 是.NET世界中的东西吗?– Pranav,您看到Microsoft想要改变,还是他们试图向更多的初创公司迈进,还是他们乐于进入企业市场,我们愿意创业公司玩这些其他语言?

Pranav: That’s a very good question, Louis. Like one of the things that we as the ASP.NET team and like our division is trying to do is empower the developers more to build the awesome-ist website that’s possible. So, we do realize that ASP.NET is heavily as you mentioned used in the enterprises, and part of the reason is like, okay, you need to learn all these concepts, so our strategy now is towards how can we simplify our stack, make it as comparable and as easy as people think that the LAMP Stack is. So what we have, something that we released last year was a product called Web Matrix which sort of simplifies the whole application building development and gives you this easy to use programming paradigm which is like you have your .NET languages integrated into the HTML page itself, and you can get a website up and running very quickly, it integrates the SQL part of it, the application part of it and the publishing part. And I think one of the things that we’re trying to do better at is like we have all these great tools so you can start to build a website, but like how do I publish this? It’s very hard to find a publisher who has all the .NET framework stacks set up and you find the right prices and whatnot. So, that’s a challenge that we have, we sort of accepted that challenge and are sort of working around it like what’s making it simpler for our developers to publish our sites, that’s sort of the feeling that I have that’s heading down.

普拉纳夫:这是一个很好的问题,路易斯。 就像我们作为ASP.NET团队所要做的事情之一,就像我们部门正在尝试做的那样,是赋予开发人员更多的能力来构建可能的令人敬畏的网站。 因此,我们确实意识到ASP.NET就像您在企业中所使用的那样大量使用,部分原因是,好吧,您需要学习所有这些概念,因此我们现在的策略是如何简化堆栈,使它像人们认为的LAMP Stack一样可比且容易。 因此,我们去年发布的产品就是名为Web Matrix的产品,它可以简化整个应用程序构建开发,并为您提供易于使用的编程范例,就像您将.NET语言集成到HTML页面本身一样,您可以非常快速地启动并运行一个网站,它集成了该网站SQL部分,其应用程序部分和发布部分。 而且我认为我们想要做得更好的事情之一就是拥有所有这些出色的工具,以便您可以开始构建网站,但是就像我如何发布它? 很难找到设置了所有.NET框架堆栈的发布者,而您却可以找到合适的价格。 因此,这是我们面临的挑战,我们某种程度上接受了这一挑战,并且正在努力解决这一问题,就像使开发人员更轻松地发布我们的网站一样,这就是我的感觉。

Tim: If I can just add something to that, Louis, if you don’t mind. One thing we look at in the book is we face those concerns that usually like in an enterprise environment a developer may have an MSDN license which may be $1,500 bucks a year I think for an enterprise developer, somewhere around that price range, but one thing we do in the book is we start from all the free tools that are available through Microsoft like the Visual Web Developer, also SQL Server 2008 Express Edition, and both of those tools are free for personal use. So, and we run through the steps on how to install those and how to get those, they’re all available through Microsoft.com/express, but also Microsoft has done some good things with their BizSpark, I don’t know what you call it, Pranav, I guess their marketing campaign for BizSpark.

蒂姆:如果我可以补充一下,路易斯,如果你不介意的话。 我们在书中看到的一件事是,我们面临的担忧通常是,在企业环境中,开发人员可能拥有MSDN许可证,我认为对于企业开发人员来说,每年的价格可能在1,500美元左右,而价格在这个范围内,但是我们在书中所做的工作是从Microsoft提供的所有免费工具开始,例如Visual Web Developer,SQL Server 2008 Express Edition,并且这两个工具都是免费供个人使用。 因此,我们遍历了如何安装它们以及如何获得它们的步骤,它们都可以通过Microsoft.com/express获得,但是Microsoft的BizSpark也做得很好,我不知道您要做什么。普拉纳夫(Pranav),我猜他们是针对BizSpark的营销活动。

Pranav: Yes.


Tim: Where it allows startup companies to sort of get access to those higher end tools for free, right?


Pranav: Yes. And we started this sort of program, I don’t remember the name of the program, but the goal of the program was to simplify the whole model around how do you get a license for a web server and how do you publish your sites to sort of simplify, and it’s called BizSpark, that model has sort of gone into. And one of the new challenges that we are now looking into is, okay, the whole Cloud buzzword coming out and the word like, you know, how do we better enable our tools environment to help you publish into The Cloud itself. And then one of the things I think they mentioned a good point that all these tools like VS 2010 Express and SQL Express which are free, one of the things that we’ve been doing in the last couple of years in Microsoft is we found that it’s very hard to sort of assimilate all these tools because you have to search Visual Studio, go to the Internet web page and say download, and then you realize oh I need SQL Express as well, then I need to go to SQL Express search page, search for it and download; the whole process of getting these tools on your machine is sort of very painful. So we have something called Web PI which is the code for Microsoft Web Platform 2, and it’s basically a very light install tool, it’s 2, 3 megs of download, and it has a feed of all the products that Microsoft is shipping for developers, so it’s got like Visual Studio Express, it’s got SQL Express, it’s called SQL CE, it’s got like IS Express, Web Matrix, it’s got a bunch of tools, I do highly recommend our listeners to go and check it out, that is simplifying access to all the tools that we have.

普拉纳夫:是的。 我们开始了这种程序,我不记得程序的名称了,但是该程序的目标是简化整个模型,围绕如何获得Web服务器许可证以及如何将站点发布到这种模型称为BizSpark,已经简化了一些。 现在,我们正在研究的新挑战之一是,整个Cloud流行语问世,而我们将如何更好地利用我们的工具环境来帮助您发布到The Cloud本身。 然后,我认为他们提到的一个好处是,所有这些工具(如VS 2010 Express和SQL Express)都是免费的,而我们过去几年在Microsoft所做的一件事情是,我们发现很难吸收所有这些工具,因为您必须搜索Visual Studio,转到Internet网页并说下载,然后您才意识到哦,我也需要SQL Express,然后我需要转到SQL Express搜索页,搜索并下载; 将这些工具安装到计算机上的整个过程非常痛苦。 因此,我们有一个称为Web PI的东西,它是Microsoft Web Platform 2的代码,它基本上是一个非常轻便的安装工具,下载量为2、3兆,并且提供了Microsoft为开发人员提供的所有产品的提要,所以它就像Visual Studio Express,它像SQL Express,它叫SQL CE,它像IS Express,Web Matrix,它有很多工具,我强烈建议我们的监听器去检查一下,这很简单访问我们拥有的所有工具。

Louis: Yeah, I had to play with a web platform installer last year when we were running some content on SitePoint.com about that, and it is an impressive tool in terms of the ability to install all this stuff. I guess it’s interesting for .NET developers because they always have this sort of challenge compared to I guess some of the community frameworks and languages where the licensing isn’t an issue, so you have this one extra thing that I think Microsoft maybe is now maturing into and learning how to provide it more easily because there’s a lot of people developing websites when initially it would have just been big companies and that setup wasn’t a problem. But now you want to make it easy for a starting developer to grab this stuff, so it’s interesting to see that there have been strides like making some of the stuff free and making it easier to get.

路易斯:是的,去年,当我们在SitePoint.com上运行有关此内容的内容时,我不得不玩一个Web平台安装程序,就安装所有这些东西的能力而言,它是一个令人印象深刻的工具。 我想这对.NET开发人员来说很有趣,因为与我猜想许可不成问题的某些社区框架和语言相比,他们总是面临着这样的挑战,因此您认为我认为微软现在可能还有这件事成熟并学习如何更轻松地提供它,因为当最初只是大公司时,有很多人在开发网站,而设置并不是问题。 但是,现在您想使新手开发人员更容易掌握这些东西,因此很有趣的是,已经取得了长足的进步,例如免费提供了一些东西并使其更容易获得。

Pranav: Yes. And it’s surprising like for me personally to see how things are being developed and used, like one of the changes that we did when we shipped .NET 4.0 and for ASP.NET, we took a dependency on jQuery, like we’ve seen how people are using jQuery as the most popular JavaScript framework if you’re doing DOM selections or anything to do with JavaScript. So we sort of decided to ship the jQuery JavaScript files as part of a default project templates, so V4 of Visual Studio 2010 if you do a file new website you will get these JavaScript files over there. So even though we don’t own it but from our perspective it’s like this is what our average developer’s using so why not just make it simpler and easier for them to get this in the box because he is eventually going to use it. So sort of that I’ve not seen, personally it was like an eye opener because we are very committed to making the experience better for our developers and as like whatever it takes sort of.

普拉纳夫:是的。 对于我个人而言,看到事物的开发和使用方式令人惊讶,例如我们在交付.NET 4.0和ASP.NET时所做的更改之一,我们依赖jQuery,就像我们已经看到了如何如果您要进行DOM选择或与JavaScript有关的任何事情,人们就会将jQuery用作最受欢迎JavaScript框架。 因此,我们决定将jQuery JavaScript文件作为默认项目模板的一部分提供,因此Visual Studio 2010 V4如果您创建一个新文件的网站,则可以在这些文件中获得这些JavaScript文件。 因此,即使我们不拥有它,但从我们的角度来看,这正是我们普通开发人员正在使用的东西,所以为什么不让他们更简单,更轻松地将其放入包装盒,因为他最终将要使用它。 就我个人而言,这还真是让人大开眼界,因为我们非常致力于为我们的开发人员提供更好的体验,就像需要付出的一切一样。

Louis: Right, whereas ten years ago Microsoft would have developed their own JavaScript library (laughter).


Pranav: Yes. That was a good thing to realize that’s happening. And recently like probably six months back we have a project in the works, it’s called NuGet, and this is basically an open source project and we are accepting contributions from people like outside Microsoft. And just to give you a one minute pitch to it, it’s a process where you can get third-party developer tools or developer binaries onto your machine. So the process is that if I want to get any of the framework code first into my project the current workflow would have been I would have gone to Bing and I would have searched ADA framework, gone to their homepage —

普拉纳夫:是的。 意识到这是一件好事。 最近大约六个月前,我们正在开发一个名为NuGet的项目,这基本上是一个开源项目,我们正在接受Microsoft之外的人的贡献。 只需要花一分钟的时间,这就是您可以在计算机上安装第三方开发人员工具或开发人员二进制文件的过程。 因此,过程是,如果我想先将任何框架代码添加到我的项目中,那么当前的工作流程应该是Bing,然后我将搜索ADA框架,并转到其主页-

Louis: “Gone to Bing,” that’s a nice plug there. (Laughter)

路易斯: “去必应”,那是个不错的选择。 (笑声)

Pranav: Bing, yeah. (Laughs)

普拉纳夫: ing,是的。 (笑)

Louis: I’m not going to let that one slide, sorry. Anyway, continue.

路易斯:对不起,我不会放过这张幻灯片。 无论如何,继续。

Pranav: So I would have searched for this ADA.NET framework, and then I would have gone to the homepage, downloaded the binaries, then I would have opened my project, I would have referenced these binaries, then I would have gone back to the site, they had some recommendations on, hey, you need to add these three configuration sections, then it was like okay let me copy and paste these configuration sections onto my project, and so it’s a lot of work to get a simple developer binary or a simple product onto your project. So what NuGet does is basically it’s a package, it’s a feed web platform, it’s a feed of products that you can enlist in, and this product takes care of the whole process of downloading the package for you from the Internet, putting it into your project, adding the references, making the changes required for all the configuration and you’re done. So you just say install package, like ADA.NET.

Pranav:因此,我将搜索此ADA.NET框架,然后转到主页,下载二进制文件,然后打开我的项目,引用这些二进制文件,然后回到在网站上,他们有一些建议,嘿,您需要添加这三个配置部分,然后好吧,让我将这些配置部分复制并粘贴到我的项目中,因此要获得一个简单的开发人员二进制文件需要大量的工作。或将简单的产品添加到您的项目中。 因此,NuGet所做的基本上是一个程序包,一个提要Web平台,一个您可以加入的产品提要,并且此产品负责从Internet下载包并将其放入您的整个过程。项目,添加引用,进行所有配置所需的更改,您就完成了。 因此,您只需要说说安装包,例如ADA.NET。

Louis: What’s that called?


Pranav: It’s called , it’s online, so it’s spelled as N-u-g-e-t.org.

Pranav:它叫做 ,它在线上,所以拼写为Nuget.org。

Louis: Okay. So it’s kind of like, I don’t if you’re familiar with Bundler in the new version of Ruby on Rails? Have you played with that, it’s kind of a similar concept where you can include binaries fairly simply.

路易斯:好的。 所以这有点像,如果您不熟悉Ruby on Rails新版本中的Bundler,我不会吗? 玩过这个游戏,这是一个类似的概念,您可以相当简单地包含二进制文件。

Pranav: Okay. It’s not necessarily tied to like ASP.NET, it just works with the Visual Studio project system, so it can have like, you know, you can have a console based HelloWorldConsole.exe, use NuGet to install any binaries that you would want.

普拉纳夫:好的。 它不一定像ASP.NET那样捆绑在一起,它只能与Visual Studio项目系统一起使用,因此它可以具有基于控制台的HelloWorldConsole.exe,可以使用NuGet安装所需的任何二进制文件。

Louis: Sounds good. So maybe we’ll switch gears here, we talked a little bit about some of the new stuff in ASP.NET 4; Tim, has the company that you work for switched to the newer version?

路易斯:听起来不错。 因此,也许我们将在这里进行调整,我们讨论了ASP.NET 4中的一些新内容。 蒂姆,您工作的公司是否已切换到新版本?

Tim: We have, we still use a lot of flavors. I kind of view my company as sort of like a — it’s like the prototypical enterprise development shop where of course is not the main thing that you do, it’s not your main line of business, where in my case it’s financial products and insurance, but you still have to have development around that too to support those primary business activities, so we still have a lot of legacy applications that goes all the way back to classic ASP. But all new development is .NET 4.0 and also C Sharp, we’ve sort of just kind of just sat and just decided C Sharp is what we’re going to have going forward versus VB.NET instead.

蒂姆:我们有,我们仍然使用很多口味。 我觉得我的公司有点像–就像典型的企业开发商店,这当然不是您要做的主要事情,也不是您的主要业务,在我的情况下,这是金融产品和保险,但是您仍然必须围绕此开发,以支持那些主要业务活动,因此我们仍然有许多旧应用程序可以一直回到经典ASP。 但是所有新开发的都是.NET 4.0以及C Sharp,我们有点犹豫不决,只是确定C Sharp是我们将与VB.NET一起前进的方向。

Louis: So that’s kind of interesting. For anyone who is not familiar right off the bat with ASP.NET, the fact that there are sort of multiple programming languages that are possible inside of it can be confusing to someone coming from any other framework or language. Do you want to maybe just explain what historically the difference was between VB.NET and C Sharp and how that came about and where things are going now?

路易斯:所以这很有趣。 对于不熟悉ASP.NET的人来说,它内部可能存在多种编程语言的事实可能会使来自任何其他框架或语言的人感到困惑。 您是否只想解释一下VB.NET和C Sharp之间的历史区别是什么,它是怎么发生的以及现在的情况?

Tim: Sure. Well, if you look at classic ASP everything was done in what was called VB Script back then, and so if you’re a Visual Basic developer, if you’re on Visual Basic 6 or even earlier, you’re probably right at home in classic ASP. But as Microsoft has transitioned towards say common language runtime, the CLR, which you’ll probably hear a lot as you study .NET in general, basically as it stands for a common language runtime you can have multiple languages, let’s say C Sharp, VB.NET, there’s IronRuby, there used to be J Sharp, I don’t think that’s around anymore. There are several other languages, and I think there’s probably even a PHP one if I’m not mistaken, Pranav, correct me if I’m wrong.

蒂姆:当然。 好吧,如果您查看经典的ASP,那么所有事情都是在当时称为VB脚本的情况下完成的,因此,如果您是Visual Basic开发人员,那么如果您使用的是Visual Basic 6或更早的版本,则可能就在家里在经典ASP中。 但是随着Microsoft向通用语言运行时过渡,CLR(通常在学习.NET时可能会听到很多),基本上,因为它代表通用语言运行时,所以可以有多种语言,例如C Sharp, VB.NET,有IronRuby,曾经有J Sharp,我认为这已经不复存在了。 还有其他几种语言,如果没有记错的话,我想甚至可能还有一种PHP,Pranav,如果我记错了,请更正我。

Pranav: There’s no PHP language as such in the Microsoft stack.

Pranav: Microsoft堆栈中没有PHP语言。

Tim: Okay. Well, you have the multiple languages but they all compound down to what’s called Microsoft Intermediate Language, you can use the language that you’re most comfortable with. And for me I’ve been using C Sharp since the .NET 1.0 beta days, and I got used to it because I was previously a C ++ developer, so the syntax was very close to what I was used to, and I also did Java as well. So, C Sharp is sort of like right at home for me, but a lot of my co-workers who come from a Visual Basic desktop app, rapid application development sort of background, they’re used to VB.net. And so we used to have a lot of projects in C Sharp, we used to have a lot of projects in VB.net, so it was a tough thing on us to sort of — to merge those together and just sort of move forward with one language, but as you’re supporting multiple legacy applications I mean we’re all over the place with classic ASP, VB.NET and also C Sharp. So one thing that we do in the book, we focus on VB.NET and C Sharp pretty much exclusively, I mean those are the going to be the two languages that you’re going to see in the .NET world pretty much. We give code samples for both and we sort of support both in the book.

蒂姆:好的。 嗯,您有多种语言,但是它们都可以组合成所谓的Microsoft中级语言,您可以使用最熟悉的语言。 对我来说,自从.NET 1.0 beta以来,我一直在使用C Sharp,并且我习惯了,因为我以前是C ++开发人员,因此语法与我以前使用的非常接近,并且我也也做了Java。 因此,C Sharp对我来说就像在家中一样,但是我的许多同事来自Visual Basic桌面应用程序,具有快速的应用程序开发背景,他们习惯了VB.net。 因此,我们以前在C Sharp中有很多项目,在VB.net中曾经有很多项目,所以对我们来说很难-将它们合并在一起并向前发展一种语言,但是当您支持多个遗留应用程序时,我的意思是我们到处都有经典的ASP,VB.NET和C Sharp。 因此,我们在书中所做的一件事是,我们几乎完全专注于VB.NET和C Sharp。我的意思是,这将成为您将在.NET世界中看到的两种语言。 我们为这两个示例提供了代码示例,并且在本书中都对它们都提供了一些支持。

Pranav: I was going to say like even I have the very same background as mentioned, like I started with C ++ back in school, I had a couple of internships/jobs before joining Microsoft, and I was doing like Java over there, and for me also C Sharp just became a natural transition like, it sort of looked similar. But coming over here we started using VB.NET as well just because VB script was the first one developers started with before CLR was there and the whole dot framework was there. And we didn’t want to lose that developer base just because we have CLR now, and that’s why VB.NET was sort of carried on forward and it’s still there, it’s at par with C Sharp, like any language feature that comes out or any new CLR feature that comes out is sort of spread out to both languages, like dynamic support came out. There’s the new Async patent that was just released for Visual Studio, that’s supported both for C Sharp and VB, so I think pretty much our commitment looks like going forward is also I think that both languages are just in sync for now at the same level.

Pranav:我要说的是,即使我具有与上述提到的背景相同的背景,就像我回到学校开始使用C ++一样,在加入Microsoft之前我曾做过几次实习/工作,并且我在那里做过Java,对我来说,C Sharp也变得自然过渡,看起来有点相似。 但是来到这里,我们也开始使用VB.NET,只是因为VB脚本是在CLR出现之前和整个点框架都出现之前第一个开发人员开始使用的脚本。 而且我们不希望仅仅因为我们现在拥有CLR而失去开发人员基础,这就是为什么VB.NET可以继续向前发展并且仍然存在的原因,它与C Sharp一样,就像出现的任何语言功能或出现的任何新CLR功能都可以同时扩展到两种语言,例如动态支持。 Visual Studio刚刚发布了一项新的Async专利,C Sharp和VB都支持该专利,所以我认为我们的承诺看起来像是向前迈进了,而且我认为这两种语言目前都处于相同水平。

Louis: Right. So that’s pretty much everything I wanted to talk to you guys about today, but before we close I wanted to know if there’s anything you’re particularly looking forward to in the future of .NET. I know it’s been a year since version 4.0 came out, Pranav, what are the plans for a new version?

路易斯:对。 因此,这就是我今天想与大家讨论的所有内容,但是在结束之前,我想知道您对.NET的未来是否特别期待。 我知道4.0版本问世已经一年了,Pranav,新版本的计划是什么?

Pranav: Lots (laughter).


Tim: Anything you can share with us today, Pranav?


Pranav: (Laughs) I’m pretty sure hold your breath, I’m sure we’ll hopefully wow you guys again.


Tim: Well, one thing that I’m looking forward to, if I can make a request for you, Pranav, to send back to the team, I would like to see GPU integration in .NET eventually. I know Microsoft just came out with the thing for C ++ for general purpose GPU programming, I would love to see .NET do that. As a subset or I guess a bigger plan of that, I’m really looking forward to the performance things in .NET that you can do like the Async pattern or the Async keyword that Pranav was talking about. In the book we are going to have a whole chapter dedicated to performance optimization, and so we’re going to talk about things like the Async pattern and caching and things like that, pretty cool things that you can do out of the box with .NET. Output caching is of course like one of my favorite features of all time in ASP.NET, that’s something that I love to use all the time in my work. But I think as the hardware industry is going towards more of a multi-core approach, you know everything about it nowadays is either Dual Core, Quad Core or 16 Core, or whatever, I would love to see .NET really move forward with that and make it easier for me to do parallel programming.

蒂姆:好吧,我很期待一件事,如果我能要求您Pranav发送回团队,我希望最终看到.NET中的GPU集成。 我知道微软刚刚推出了用于通用GPU编程的C ++程序,我很希望看到.NET能够做到这一点。 作为一个子集或我想作为一个更大的计划,我真的很期待.NET中的性能工作,例如Pranav所谈论的Async模式或Async关键字。 在本书中,我们将整整整整一章致力于性能优化,因此,我们将讨论异步模式和缓存之类的事情,以及诸如此类的非常酷的事情,您可以使用它们开箱即用.NET。 输出缓存当然就像是ASP.NET一直以来我最喜欢的功能之一,这就是我喜欢在工作中一直使用的功能。 但是我认为,随着硬件行业朝着多核方法的方向发展,您现在知道的一切都是双核,四核或16核,或者其他,我很乐意看到.NET真正朝着这一方向发展并使我更容易进行并行编程。

Pranav: That’s a great point. We sort of started doing that in the version 4.0 of the .NET framework that was released, so out of the box basically the framework now supports something called a task based approach, and it’s sort of different from threading, it’s easier to manage and you can’t get a bit of parallelism into your application, so they’re like the native, they’re like sort of in-built framework calls that you can parallelize your four loop, you can parallelize your link queries, you can easily create lightweight tasks so you can breakup your function calls into like two or three different tasks and sort of bring that level or parallelism into a function, which is not possible earlier because then you would have to manage the threads. So we are trying to simplify the whole model around given that the whole industry like the hardware side of it is moving towards multi-core and that sort of — the default configuration that’s going to be there in a developer’s box, so expect more.

普拉纳夫:这很重要。 我们有点在已发布的.NET框架4.0版本中开始执行此操作,因此,现成的框架基本上已经支持基于任务的方法,并且它与线程有所不同,它更易于管理,而且您不能在您的应用程序中使用一些并行性,因此它们就像本机一样,它们就像是一种内置的框架调用,您可以并行化四个循环,可以并行化链接查询,可以轻松地创建轻量级任务,因此您可以将函数调用分解为两个或三个不同的任务,并将该级别或并行性带入一个函数中,这在早期是不可能的,因为那样您就必须管理线程。 因此,鉴于整个行业(如其硬件方面)正朝着多核方向发展,因此我们正在尝试简化整个模型,而这种默认配置将在开发人员的手中,因此请期待更多。

Tim: That’s good. And for the listeners out there, ASP.NET is a multi-threaded application out of the box, so if you have some really powerful CPU’s, I mean that’s where I think ASP.NET really can shine.

蒂姆:很好。 对于外面的听众来说,ASP.NET是开箱即用的多线程应用程序,因此,如果您有一些真正强大的CPU,我的意思是我认为ASP.NET确实可以发挥作用。

Pranav: Absolutely.


Tim: And that’s why really parallel programming is sort of important to know as well.


Louis: Great! So if the listeners want to find either of you online can you give some links either to your Twitter, your blog or whatever, starting with Pranav?

路易斯:太好了! 因此,如果听众想在网上找到您中的任何一个,您能否从Pranav开始给您的Twitter,博客或其他内容提供一些链接?

Pranav: My Twitter handle , and it’s spelled as r-u-s-t-d, and I have my blog up as well if you look up by my first and last name, Pranav Rastogi, I think you should find it on MSVN.

Pranav:我的Twitter句柄 ,被拼写为rusted,如果您用我的姓氏和名字Pranav Rastogi进行查找,我也将创建我的博客,我想您应该在MSVN上找到它。

Louis: And, Tim?


Tim: For me you can probably find me easily at legacygeeks.com, tim@legacygeeks.com, where the blog is also at . (Baby crying)

蒂姆:对我来说,您可能可以在legacygeeks.com(tim@legacygeeks.com)上轻松找到我,该博客也位于 。 (婴儿哭)

Pranav: Yay! (Laughs)

普拉纳夫:是的 ! (笑)

Louis: That sounds like our cue to wrap things up; Tim sounds like he has to attend to more pressing matters.

路易斯:这听起来像是我们把事情包装起来的提示。 蒂姆听起来好像他必须处理更多紧迫的事情。

Tim: Yeah, I do.


Louis: Thanks very much for coming on the show, guys, I look forward to seeing content from you guys on ASP.NET on SitePoint, and also for the book. We don’t have and kind of firm release plans at this time, but stay tuned, and as plans are finalized we’ll keep everyone informed as to what they can look forward to from you guys.

路易斯:非常感谢您参加这个节目,各位,我期待着您在SitePoint上的ASP.NET上看到你们的内容,也希望看到本书。 目前我们还没有确切的发布计划,但请保持关注,在计划最终确定后,我们将使所有人了解他们对您的期望。

Pranav: Perfect.


Louis: Thanks very much.


Pranav: Thank you, guys; see you, Tim.

普拉纳夫:谢谢你们。 蒂姆,再见

Tim: Bye.


Louis: And thanks for listening to this week’s episode of the SitePoint Podcast. I’d love to hear what you thought about today’s show, so if you have any thoughts or suggestions just go to SitePoint.com/podcast and you can leave a comment on today’s episode, you can also get any of our previous episodes to download or subscribe to get the show automatically. You can follow SitePoint on Twitter , that’s SitePoint d-o-t-c-o-m, and you can follow me on Twitter . The show this week was produced by Karn Broad, and I’m Louis Simoneau, thanks for listening and bye for now.

路易斯:感谢您收听本周的SitePoint播客。 我很想听听您对今天节目的看法,因此,如果您有任何想法或建议,请访问SitePoint.com/podcast,您可以对今天的节目发表评论,也可以下载我们以前的任何节目或订阅自动显示节目。 您可以在Twitter (即SitePoint dotcom)上关注 ,也可以在Twitter 上关注我。 本周的节目是由Karn Broad制作的,我是Louis Simoneau,感谢您的收听和再见。

Hi there, I just wanted to drop in a quick note to mention that the SitePoint Podcast is honored again this year with a nomination in the .net Magazine Awards. I wanted to take the time to thank all our listeners for tuning in throughout the year and making this possible, and I want to also shamelessly beg you to vote for us; just head to to cast your vote for the show as well as all your favorites in a bunch of other categories like Mobile App of the Year, Developer of the Year and Redesign of the Year. Thanks for your votes!

嗨,我只是想简单地提到一下,SitePoint Podcast今年再次获得.net Magazine Awards的提名,因此很荣幸。 我想花时间感谢我们所有的听众,感谢他们一年四季的投入,并使之成为可能。我还要无耻地恳求您为我们投票。 只需访问就可以对该节目以及所有其他类别中的所有收藏进行投票,例如年度移动应用,年度开发商和年度重新设计。 感谢您的投票!

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